Helsinki Metro - Wikipedia Helsinki Metro (Finnish: Helsingin metro, Swedish: Helsingfors metro) is a rapid transit system serving Greater Helsinki, Finland. It is the world's northernmost metro system. It was opened to the general public on 2 August 1982 after 27 years of planning. It is operated by Helsinki City Transport for HSL and carries 92.6 million passengers per year.
Helsinki Metro | Metro Wiki | Fandom › wiki › Helsinki_MetroIt is the world's northernmost metro system. The Helsinki Metro was opened to the general public on 2 August 1982 after 27 years of planning. It is operated by Helsinki City Transport for HSL and carries 63 million passengers per year. The metro system consists of 2 lines, which serve a total of 25 stations.
Helsingin metro - Wikiwand › fi › Helsingin_metroHelsingin metro on 35 kilometriä pitkä leveäraiteinen metrojärjestelmä, joka yhdistää Helsingin keskustan itäisiin kaupunginosiin ja länteen Etelä-Espooseen. Pääkaupunkiseudulla on maailman pohjoisin ja Suomen ainoa metrojärjestelmä.[4] Helsingin metro on Suomen rataverkosta erillinen järjestelmä, joka lähijunien ja runkobussilinjojen 20, 30, 40, 200, 500, 510, 550, 560 ja 570 ...
Helsinki Metro Map - Metro Line Map › metro › helsinkiHelsinki Metro The Helsinki Metro system serves the area of Helsinki and southern Espoo. The Helsinki Metro began operation in 1982 and first part of the extension to Espoo was opened in November 2017. The Helsinki Metro is the northernmost metro in the world. The Helsinki metro consists of two lines (M1, M2) and a total of 25 stations.
Helsinki Metro - Wikipedia › wiki › Helsinki_MetroIt is the world's northernmost metro system. It was opened to the general public on 2 August 1982 after 27 years of planning. It is operated by Helsinki City Transport for HSL and carries 92.6 million passengers per year. The system consists of 2 lines, serving a total of 25 stations. It has a total length of 35 kilometres (21.7 mi).