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https://headpower.comWebCITY. Handle faster, safer and with higher quality. News. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Our products. INFRA WORK MANAGER. Order, execute, manage, control and communicate. In real-time, with …
Mobility. - headpower.com
headpower.com › wp-content › uploadsIWM enables you to have control and a real-time view over the whole order–delivery process, starting from planning, up to warranty period supervision. It allows you to register all the data regarding the projects building and managements tasks. There is a built-in orderer–supplier process mo-del that supports operating in a multi-actor en-
IWM - HeadPower
headpower.fi › products › iwmFEATURES incl. Dashboard view for work monitoring and control Simple and easy tasklist Easily adoptable user interface and overall experience Customer specific processes work schedules and state transitions, participating companies and persons technical work descriptions Attachment and protocol management Comment field for all parties
https://headpower.fi › iwm-2Tilaa, toteuta, hallinnoi, laskuta, valvo ja kommunikoi. Reaaliaikaisesti, kaikkien osapuolien kesken. IWM mahdollistaa tämän kaiken. INFRA WORK MANAGER ...
IWM - HeadPower
https://headpower.fi/iwm-2WebIWM - HeadPower. Tilaa, toteuta, hallinnoi, laskuta, valvo ja kommunikoi. Reaaliaikaisesti, kaikkien osapuolien kesken. INFRA WORK MANAGER. Yksinkertainen ja helposti …
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headpower.comHeadPower – company info +358 (0)10 841 5400 info (a)headpower.fi ESTABLISHED 2001 TURNOVER 4,9M€ PERSONNEL 40+ CUSTOMER SATISFACTION +90% We provide cloud services to infrastructure network companies. We are a pioneer in the field and actively influence the development of the infrastructure network industry.