Hamartoma | Boston Children's Hospital
www.childrenshospital.org › conditions › hamartomaA hamartoma is an abnormal growth that's made up of the same tissue from which it grows. The abnormality is that there are an excess number of cells that are structurally different from the main cells. A hamartoma occurs when the tissue in the growth did not develop completely. Hamartomas can occur throughout the body, but are often found in the head and neck, particularly around the ears.
Hamartoma - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HamartomaA hamartoma is a mostly benign, local malformation of cells that resembles a neoplasm of local tissue but is usually due to an overgrowth of multiple aberrant cells, with a basis in a systemic genetic condition, rather than a growth descended from a single mutated cell (monoclonality), as would typically define a benign neoplasm/tumor. Despite this, many hamartomas are found to have clonal chromosomal …
Hamartoma - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HamartomaA hamartoma is a mostly benign, local malformation of cells that resembles a neoplasm of local tissue but is usually due to an overgrowth of multiple aberrant cells, with a basis in a systemic genetic condition, rather than a growth descended from a single mutated cell, as would typically define a benign neoplasm/tumor. Despite this, many hamartomas are found to have clonal chromosomal aberrations that are acquired through somatic mutations, and on this basis the term hamartoma is sometimes cons