Restaurant Boat Suvi Tampere – Restaurant by the Sea › enLaivaravintola Suvi. In 1989 the legendary restauranteur Osvi Niemi envisioned a new pontoon restaurant in Tampere, either in Särkänniemi or Laukontori. In 1991 the river barge SS 122, docked in Gothenburg at the Lindholmen dock, was bought. The ship was transferred to the Pansio dock for renovations.
Hakaniemi: ETUSIVU
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hakaniemi.comArriving. Lapua is a small isolated farm town in the middle of the Finnish plains. With a population of 14,000 it had all the nuances of any rural farm town, Finnish or otherwise. But at least it was a town. My visit with Mervi had offered no socializing outside of her immediate family and the hogs. A single intersection comprised downtown Lapua.
Flying Dutch ravintolalaiva | › paikat › 590Flying Dutch ravintolalaiva. Pitkänsillan kupeessa Hakaniemessä lepäilee ravintolalaiva Flying Dutch, Lentävä Hollantilainen. "Pikkudamissa" on tarjolla ruokaa, musaa, juomia ja erikoiskahveja. Keittiön sulkeuduttua kello 21:00 tarjolla tapaksia ja katuleipää ulkomyyntipisteestä. Damin terassit ja puisto kello 24:00.