Front page | Haaga-Helia › enJan 11, 2022 · Haaga-Helia is a strongly business orientated university of applied sciences in Finland. Through education, research and development, we prepare professionals for business and services. We focus on co-operation, entrepreneurship, innovation and internationality.
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Online Meetings, Screen ...
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About Haaga-Helia | Haaga-Helia › en › about-haaga-heliaHaaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences trains professionals for business and services through education, research, and development. Our operations are managed by the board, which is chaired by Jorma Rauhala. Minna Hiillos is the President and CEO of Haaga-Helia. President Minna Hiillos President, CEO +358 294471647
Haaga Helia Uusintatentti › haaga-heliaHaaga helia uusintatentti butterfly. Palautettavista tehtävistä täytyy tehdä 50%, jotta opiskelija voi osallistua osakokeisiin. Osakokeet tehdään koneella. Kokeissa saa käyttää kaikkea materiaalia. Ensimmäisen osakokeen voi uusia toisen osakokeen yhteydessä. Toista osakoetta ei voi uusia, vaan koko kurssi on uusittava uusintatentillä.
Helga - › en › helgaOrganizing extra curricular activities and enabling the thriving of the student community. Informing students on important topics, such as student healthcare, what’s going on in Haaga-Helia and students’ influencing opportunities. Creating a bond between students by for example providing a tutoring service.