Gynecological surgery | HUS › en › patientWe handle more than 7,000 surgical procedures in the HUS gynecological units every year. We use surgical procedures to help women of different ages in numerous types of gynecological problems. At the outpatient clinic, we carefully examine the patient referred for a surgical procedure and provide the patient with the necessary information about ...
Gynekologisk avdeling - Helse Bergen HF › avdelinger › kvinneklinikkenGynekologisk avdeling. Vi har eit breitt tilbod til kvinner med ulike gynekologiske sjukdommar. Gynekologisk avdeling hjelper pasientar med alt frå underlivsinfeksjonar- og smertar, abort og mange andre problemstillingar. Ved gynekologisk kreft får kvinner med kreft i underlivet tilbod om utgreiing, diagnostisering, operasjon og eventuell ...
Gynecology and Obstetrics | HUS › en › about-usOur treatment range covers a woman's entire life cycle from childbirth to the treatment and study of infertility and gynecological diseases. We treat more than 16,000 deliveries and approximately 33,000 gynecological patients each year.