https://trygymtech.comShorter workouts. Faster results. With Gymtech's connected EMS sportswear, you can do a full workout effectively with rapid 10 to 20-minute sessions.
squat-tech.comGYMTECH EMS SHORTS. 3 programs, 20 intensity levels, and 2 workout modes. Whether you want to get back in shape conveniently while watching TV, or you're an athlete looking to optimise your workouts, Squat Tech can adapt to your fitness level and deliver results based on your own personal goals.
Gymtech - Smart EMS Fitness Shorts › wearegymtech › videosJul 10, 2020 · Smart EMS Fitness Shorts. These shorts are a game changer. A little bit to get that shock. Started to pulse right away so it's kinda cool. I can definitely feel it working already. So, I just finished got a 15-minute run in my new GymTech shorts. They were actually really comfortable and easy to run in and I'll definitely be using them again.