English - Greek translation | TRANSLATOR.EU
www.translator.eu › english › greekSelect the languages that you want the translator to work with. Type or paste your text into the upper box and click "translate". The bottom box will immediately show your requested translation which you can then select, copy, and use for your needs. Translator.eu can translate up to 1000 characters of text (medium long text) at a time.
GR Translit: Greek Transliteration, Greeklish and Spell Checker
translit.cc › grMay 26, 2008 · The conversion keys → GREEK and → LATIN are provided to translate text from the input area to Greek or Latin accordingly. If only a part of the text is selected and one of the translit converter keys is pressed, then the conversion will affect only this selected part of the text and the rest of the text will be left in the original script.