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Google X

X, the moonshot factory
X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of millions, even billions, of people. Our goal: 10x impact on the world’s most intractable problems, not just 10% improvement.
Google X_百度百科 - Baidu Baike x/4526950
Google X 的热气球终于派上用场了, 为波多黎各提供 LTE 网络. 2013 年 6 月,当时的 Google X 实验室宣布推出 Project Loon,其目的是建立一个可以在平流层漂浮的热气球网络,以改变全球三分之二人口无法联网的状况,从而让网络信号到达全球的每一个角落。
X (企業) - Wikipedia企業)
X(エックス、旧:Google X, Google X Lab) は、Googleの機密施設によって、次世代技術の開発を担うプロジェクトである。 現在はAlphabetの子会社。 Xの拠点は2箇所あり、ひとつはカリフォルニア州 マウンテンビューに位置するGoogle本社の内部 、もう一つはサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアのどこかであり ...
What Is Google X? (The Secret Google Lab) - Lifewire
16.11.2011 · The Google X lab became slightly less secret when reports on it appeared in the news. The renamed X company, like its predecessor, approaches radical ideas in an attempt to make the world a better place.The company doesn't release a lot of information on its secret projects, but you can access some information on active, graduated, and discontinued projects …
X (Unternehmen) – Wikipedia
Ziele und Ambitionen. Der Name Google X ist ein Wortspiel, wobei X für das Unbekannte steht, der Unternehmensname bedeutet also Suche nach dem Unbekannten.Chefforscher ist der Google-Mitgründer Sergey Brin.Aufgebaut wurde das Unternehmen von dem deutschen Robotikexperten Sebastian Thrun.. Das Unternehmen wurde geschaffen, um die überaus ambitionierten Ziele …
Inside X, Google's top-secret moonshot factory | WIRED UK › article › te...
X originally grew out of Chauffeur, Google's self-driving car project, then spearheaded by the Stanford roboticist Sebastian Thrun. Page and ...
X Development - Wikipedia › wiki › X_D...
X Development LLC (formerly Google X) is an American semi-secret research and development facility and organization founded by Google in January 2010, ...
X (entreprise) — Wikipédia
X, anciennement Google X Lab, parfois aussi appelé Google X, est une entreprise américaine semi-secrète appartenant anciennement à Google et désormais filiale de Alphabet Inc..Il s'agit d'un complexe situé en partie sur le campus de Mountain View et en partie à un autre endroit tenu secret [1].Les équipes qui y travaillent sont dirigées par Sergey Brin, l'un des cofondateurs de …
What is Google X? See what's cooking in Google's secret lab ... › opinion › what-is-google-x
Feb 07, 2015 · What is Google X? Google X is a top secret experimental laboratory situated at Google’s Mountain View HQ. It was conceived around 2010, emerging from a single ‘moon shot’ idea that we’ve since...
What Is Google X? (The Secret Google Lab) - Lifewire › google-x-s...
Google X (now named X) has a skunkworks lab where it works on radical ideas like self-driving cars and internet by weather balloon.
X, the moonshot factory
X -The Moonshot Factory. X is a diverse group of inventors and entrepreneurs who build and launch technologies that aim to improve the lives of millions, even billions, of people. Our goal: 10x impact on the world’s most intractable problems, not just 10% improvement.
The Truth About Google X: An Exclusive Look Behind The ... › the-google-x-factor
Yet Google X, as Teller describes it, is an experiment in itself–an effort to reconfigure the process by which a corporate lab functions, in ...
Google X explained: What's really going on at Google's secret l › apps › news
Jan 21, 2014 · Google X is stylised as Google [x] but often referred to as Google X. It is a facility run by Google, who's existence has been known for a few years, where Googlers brainstorm and hack away at...
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
X Development - Wikipedia › wiki › X_Development
X Development LLC (formerly Google X) is an American semi-secret research and development facility and organization founded by Google in January 2010, which now operates as a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. X has its headquarters about a mile and a half from Alphabet's corporate headquarters, the Googleplex, in Mountain View, California.
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Google X and the Science of Radical Creativity - The Atlantic › 2017/11
The setting is X, the so-called moonshot factory at Alphabet, the parent company of Google. And the scene is not the beginning of some elaborate ...
X, the moonshot factory | LinkedIn › company
X's Kira Smiley from Project Tidal reflects on lessons learned at the Google Food Lab conference, including a new framework for evolving our food system.
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X, the moonshot factory
Google's new division gets a placeholder name: X. It has a first project: self-driving cars. Is it a research center? An incubator? A non-profit?
The Truth About Google X: An Exclusive Look Behind The ... › 3028156
Apr 15, 2014 · Google X is situated at the edge of the Google campus, housed mostly in a couple of three-story red-brick buildings. The lab has no sign in front, just as it has no official website (“What would we...