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Go off meaning

Meaning of go off with someone in English - Cambridge
to leave a wife, husband, or partner in order to have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone else:
'go off' meaning and practice - Phrasal Verbs - MicroEnglish
go off: meaning and explanation. The phrasal verb ‘to go off’ is used to talk about alarms – alarm clocks, car alarms, fire alarms, and so on. If an alarm ‘goes off’ then it starts, makes a sound or …
Go off Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › go off
verb. went off; gone off; going off; goes off. intransitive verb. 1. : explode. 2. : to burst forth or break out suddenly or noisily. 3. : to go forth, out, or away : leave.
Go off - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
6. To make a noise; sound: The siren goes off every day at noon. 7. To undergo detonation; explode: If you push this red button, the bomb will go off. 8. go off on To begin to talk …
Go off Definition & Meaning - › browse
go off · (of power, a water supply, etc) to cease to be available, running, or functioningthe lights suddenly went off · to be discharged or activated; explode.
Go off definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › g...
1. to go away; leave, esp. suddenly · 2. to explode; detonate · 3. to make a noise.
go off of | WordReference Forums
12.4.2018 · "To go on" (or "go off of" in this case, which means the same) means "on which to base further action" or "to use as information" (in order to take further action or decisions, draw …
GO OFF | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › dictionary › english
go off definition: 1. If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working: 2. If a bomb goes off, it explodes: 3. If…. Learn more.
GO OFF | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary › go-...
to stop liking or being interested in someone or something: I went off beefburgers after I got food poisoning from a takeaway. I went off Peter when he said ...
GO OFF | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
(STOP WORKING) B1 If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working: The lights went off in several neighborhoods because of the storm. More examples The damage to the fuse box …
Go off - definition of go off by The Free Dictionary off
To set about to do; undertake: Go about your chores in a responsible way. go along To cooperate: They get along by going along. go around 1. To satisfy a demand or requirement: just enough …
Go off - definition of go off by The Free Dictionary › g...
19. To cease living; die. 20. a. To happen or develop; fare: How are things going? b ...
Go off - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - › go off
go off Add to list Share · verb. run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along. synonyms: abscond, absquatulate, bolt, decamp, make off, run off.
GO OFF | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary › english › go-off
go off meaning: 1. If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working: 2. If a bomb goes off, it explodes: 3. If…. Learn more.
Meaning of go off-piste in English - Cambridge
to do something different to what is normal or expected: The presenter went off-piste from the script, with hilarious consequences. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Not …
Urban Dictionary: go off off
13.11.2017 · 1. to angrily complain about 2. drone on about a topic, ramble 3. to leave and partake in an activity (especially surfing) present: go off past: went off future: going off 1. "i …
Urban Dictionary: go off › define
Nov 13, 2017 · go off expression A (usually) humorous statement that is called out when somebody has finished ranting, somebody is yelling, makes some sort of grand or ridiculous gesture, or even when you hear a loud noise, like a car horn. Almost always meant to draw laughter from those surrounding you. In traffic : honk "Damn, I mean go off"
Go off - Idioms by The Free Dictionary › go+off
go off 1. Explode, detonate; also, make noise, sound, especially abruptly. For example, I heard the gun go off, or The sirens went off at noon.
Meaning of go off on one in English - Cambridge
go off on one idiom UK informal to suddenly become very angry and start shouting or behaving violently: He went off on one because he thought I was threatening his dog. SMART …
go-off phrasal verb - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries › ...
go off · 1to leave a place, especially in order to do something She went off to get a drink. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? · 2to be fired; to explode ...
go off - Urban Dictionary › de...
go off · 1. to angrily complain about · 2. drone on about a topic, ramble · 3. to leave and partake in an activity (especially surfing)
GO OFF (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms › ...
Definition of GO OFF (phrasal verb): explode or be fired; electricity etc: not work; stop liking someone or something; leave a place; start making a ...
go off - Longman Dictionary › go-off
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishgo off phrasal verb1 leave to leave a place, especially in order to do something John decided to go off on ...
GO OFF | meaning, definition in Cambridge English …
go off definition: 1. If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working: 2. If a bomb goes off, it explodes: 3. If…. Learn more.