Geraldine McEwan - Wikipedia › wiki › Geraldine_McEwanGeraldine McEwan (born Geraldine McKeown; 9 May 1932 – 30 January 2015) was an English actress, who had a long career in film, theatre and television. Michael Coveney described her, in a tribute article, as "a great comic stylist, with a syrupy, seductive voice and a forthright, sparkling manner". [1]
Geraldine McEwan - Biography - IMDb › name › nm0568603Geraldine McEwan was born in Old Windsor, England and made her theatre debut at the age of 14 at the Theatre Royal in Windsor. By the age of 18 she was starring in London's West End in several long-running popular productions. During the 1950s she acted with the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford-Upon-Avon and joined the Royal ...
Geraldine McEwan - Wikipedia McEwan (born Geraldine McKeown; 9 May 1932 – 30 January 2015) was an English actress, who had a long career in film, theatre and television. Michael Coveney described her, in a tribute article, as "a great comic stylist, with a syrupy, seductive voice and a forthright, sparkling manner". McEwan … Näytä lisää
Geraldine McEwan – Wikipedia McEwan, alun perin Geraldine McKeown, (9. toukokuuta 1932 Old Windsor, Berkshire, Englanti, Iso-Britannia – 30. tammikuuta 2015 Hammersmith, Lontoo, Englanti, Iso-Britannia ) oli BAFTA-palkittu englantilainen näyttelijä. Merkittävän uran kotimaansa Englannin teatterilavoilla tehnyt McEwan tuli kansainvälisesti tunnetuksi muun muassa neiti Marplena samannimisessä televisiosarjassa .
Geraldine McEwan - IMDb › name › nm0568603Geraldine McEwan. Actress: The Magdalene Sisters. Geraldine McEwan was born in Old Windsor, England and made her theatre debut at the age of 14 at the Theatre Royal in Windsor. By the age of 18 she was starring in London's West End in several long-running popular productions.