Sos palv palkkataulukot 23.6.2020 Final.xlsx - ERTO › images › tiedotteet › palkkat...1810,87 1880,33 1950,25 2021,28 ... G20. 2023,03 2104,81 2188,95 2275,13. G20. 2049,33 2132,17 2217,41 2304,71.
1.7.2021 KAIKKIIN 1,5 % KOROTUS 1.9.2021 KOROTUKSET…G20 2080,07 2164,15 2250,67 2339,28 G20 2088,51 2164,15 2250,67 2339,28 G21 2265,95 2361,16 2458,25 2558,37 G21 2265,95 2361,16 2458,25 2558,37 ... 1.7.2021 KAIKKIIN 1,5 % …
yksityisen-sosiaalipalvelualan-g-taulukot-2021.pdf - OAJ › contentassets › yksityisen-sosi...G20. 2088,51 2164,15 2250,67 2339,28. G21. 2265,95 2361,16 2458,25 2558,37. G21. 2265,95 2361,16 2458,25 2558,37. G22. 2283,13 2380,06 2480,05 2584,90.
G20 Presidency of Indonesia
www.g20.orgThe 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will take place on 15-16 November in Bali. The Summit will be the pinnacle of the G20 process and intense work carried out within the Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups throughout the year. READ MORE.