Fredrik IV – Wikipedia › wiki › Fredrik_IVFredrik IV sarkofagi Roskilden kirkossa. Fredrik IV (tanskaksi Frederik 4.) (11. lokakuuta 1671 – 12. lokakuuta 1730) oli Tanskan ja Norjan kuningas vuosina 1699–1730. Elämäkerta. Fredrikin hallintokausi alkoi sodalla Ruotsia vastaan.
Frederick IV | Norwegian Succession, Reformer & Monarch › biography › Frederick-IV-kingFrederick IV, (born Oct. 11, 1671, Copenhagen—died Oct. 12, 1730, Odense, Den.), king of Denmark and Norway (1699–1730), who succeeded his father, King Christian V. He continued the Danish efforts to sever the House of Gottorp’s link with Sweden, but his first attempt to do so, in 1700 at the outbreak of the Great Northern War, was ...
Frederick IV - Wikipedia › wiki › Frederick_IVFrederick IV may refer to: Frederick IV, Duke of Swabia (1145–1167) Frederick IV, Count of Zollern (c. 1188–c. 1255), Burgrave Friedrich II of Nuremberg. Frederick IV, Duke of Lorraine (1282–1329) Frederick IV, Burgrave of Nuremberg (1287–1332) Frederick IV of Sicily (1341–1377), called "Frederick the Simple".
Frederick IV | Holy Roman Emperor, Bohemia, Elector › biography › Frederick-IVFrederick IV, byname Frederick The Righteous, German Friedrich Der Aufrichtige, (born March 5, 1574, Amberg, Palatinate—died Sept. 19, 1610, Heidelberg), elector Palatine of the Rhine, only surviving son of the elector Louis VI.