Home | Fotografiska
www.fotografiska.comFotografiska is neither a traditional museum nor gallery. Without permanent exhibitions or artwork for sale, we aim solely to inspire, entertain, and create impact. We believe photography is an inclusive medium with a unique ability to shape emotions, convey stories and effect change.
Fotografiska Tallinna on upeita näyttelyitä – ja mikä terassi!
sooloiluja.com › fotografiska-tallinnaMar 30, 2019 · Fotografiska Tallinna – mahtavaa! Fotografiska Tallinna aukesi viime kesällä, ja siitä tuli saman tien supersuosittu! Hanketta edistettiin salassa noin kolmen vuoden ajan. Uskomatonta että niin Telliskivi kuin Fotografiskakin onnistuivat pitämään asian salassa niin pitkään. Tällainen Tallinnan, valokuvan ja Tukholman Fotografiskan ystävä on asiasta innoissaan – ja niin on varmasti moni muukin.
Home | Fotografiska Tallinn
www.fotografiska.com › tallinn › enSep 24, 2022 · Fotografiska's food and beverage culture is based on the idea of "Sustainable Pleasure", where the concept focuses on an experience that tastes and tastes good at the same time. Brunches are also held in the restaurant on Sundays from 11 am to 4 pm (starting again in September 2022).
Fotografiska Tallinn, Estonia
www.visitestonia.com › en › fotografiska-tallinnFotografiska is an international photo museum where world-class photography, honest and delicious food, and an open mindset meet. The house has three to four different exhibitions simultaneously. We bring you 10-15 world-class exhibitions a year. Fotografiska is an internationally recognised museum of photography with its roots in Stockholm.