Formula - Wikipedia science, a formula is a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical formula or a chemical formula. The informal use of the term formula in science refers to the general construct of a relationship between given quantities. The plural of formula can be either formulas (from the most common English p…
Formula Definition & Meaning | › browse › formulaformula [ fôr ′myə-lə ] n. pl. for•mu•las A symbolic representation of the chemical composition or of the chemical composition and structure of a compound. The chemical compound so represented. A prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion; a recipe. A liquid food for infants, containing most of the nutrients in human milk.
F1 - Formula 1 - Ilta-Sanomat 1 15:58. F1-tallin johtoportaassa käy hurja myllerrys – nyt lähti F1-legenda Alain Prost. Prost oli toiminut Alpinella neuvonantajan roolissa. Formula 1 15:58. Nico Rosberg kertoi mielipiteensä – nämä ovat Valtteri Bottaksen kaksi suurinta heikkoutta.