10 day forecast - Hollola, FI - Foreca.com
www.foreca.com › 100657530 › Hollola-FinlandHollola 10 day forecast Thu 3/23 Max 39° Min 32° 11 mph 0.13 in Fri 3/24 Max 39° Min 28° 7 mph 0.12 in Sat 3/25 Max 36° Min 25° 7 mph 0.37 in Sun 3/26 Max 27° Min 21° 9 mph 2.31 in Mon 3/27 Max 30° Min 21° 7 mph 2.43 in Tue 3/28 Max 32° Min 28° 7 mph 4.78 in Wed 3/29 Max 30° Min 21° 4 mph 7.88 in Thu 3/30 Max 28° Min 23° 7 mph 0.09 in Fri 3/31 Max
www.kirkonseutu.fiSateenkaarimessujen vastustajat voittivat Salpausselällä 8–7, ratkaisu siirtyy tuomiokapituliin. Kodeissa pitää olla hereillä – "Teistä jokainen katsoo aamulla peiliin. Se, joka sieltä katsoo takaisin, on aika ratkaiseva tyyppi."
Foreca - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ForecaForeca Ltd /for kā/ is a private Finnish weather forecasting company. It is the largest of its kind in the Nordic countries and is headquartered in Espoo, Finland. Foreca provides weather services for international business use. This service is partly based on data and products of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.
Weather today - Hollola, FI - Foreca.com
www.foreca.com › 100657530 › Hollola-FinlandWeather today - Hollola, FI - Foreca.com Hollola 27° Feels like 16° 11 mph Gust 22 mph Overcast 0 in Rain 72 % Rel. hum. 29.6 inHg Pressure 6:52 AM Sunrise 11 h 13 min 6:06 PM Sunset See Hourly Forecast 5 Day Forecast Fri Max 32° Min 18° 9 mph 0.38 in Sat Max 21° Min 10° 7 mph 1.42 in Sun Max 23° Min 16° 11 mph 0.03 in Mon Max 32° Min 16° 11 mph