Floorball - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FloorballFloorball is a type of floor hockey with five players and a goalkeeper in each team. Men and women play indoors with 96–115.5 cm-long (37.8–45.5 in) sticks and a 70–72 mm-circumference (2.76–2.83 in) plastic ball with holes. Matches are played in three twenty-minute periods. Floorball was
Suomen Salibandyliitto
https://salibandy.fiUrheilija, et ole yksin! Et ole yksin on Väestöliiton ja suomalaisen urheilun yhteishanke. Salibandyliitto on muiden lajiliittojen mukana tukemassa hanketta. Et ole yksin -palvelun tavoitteena on vähentää ja ennaltaehkäistä epäasiallista käytöstä …
This is Floorball
https://floorball.sport/this-is-floorballThis is Floorball. Floorball is a versatile indoor team sport played on a 40 x 20 m surface in a rink. Each team has five field players and a goalkeeper on the field at the same time. Floorball is played with plastic sticks and a very light ball and with a goalkeeper without a stick. The main objective in floorball is to score more goals than ...
Floorball - Wikipedia
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/FloorballFloorball is een balsport die het midden houdt tussen bandy en hockey. De sport ontstond in de jaren 60 in Zweden. Internationaal wordt deze sport eveneens aangeduid met de benamingen Innebandy (In Zweden), salibandy (in Finland), floorhockey (in Amerika) en unihockey (vooral nog in Zwitserland). De op zich wat vreemde naam van "Floorball" is gekozen als alomvattend voor de verschill…