Fanatec CSL DD · Fanatec kirjoittaa sääntökirjan uusiksi julkaisten maailman ensimmäisen halvemman ratin direct drive -teknologialla. CSL DD on saapunut, ja olen ajellut sillä menneen kuukauden. CSL DD tarkoittaa Clubsport Light Direct Drive, ja on edelleen kehitetty versio Fanatecin suositusta DD1-ratista, joka maksaa noin kolme kertaa enemmän kuin CSL DD.
Fanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices incl. value added tax
Fanatec USA | Fanatec
www.fanatec.comFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices are quoted net of the statutory sales tax and shipping costs and possibly delivery charges, if not otherwise described
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Fanatec › downloadsFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices incl. value added tax
Fanatec › us-en › downloadsFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices are quoted net of the statutory sales tax and shipping costs and possibly delivery charges, if not otherwise described
Fanatec › eu-enFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators.