ICD-10-CM Code F19.1 - Other psychoactive substance abuse
icd.codes › icd10cm › F191The ICD code F19 is used to code Substance use disorder. Substance use disorder, also known as drug use disorder, is a condition in which the use of one or more substances leads to a clinically significant impairment or distress. Although the term substance can refer to any physical matter, 'substance' in this context is limited to psychoactive ...
DSM-5 Diagnoses and New ICD-10-CM Codes
www.psychiatry.org › File Library › PsychiatristsOct 10, 2017 · F19.10 F19.11 Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder, Moderate F19.20 F19.20 Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder, Moderate, In early or sustained remission F19.20 F19.21 Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder, Severe F19.20 F19.20 Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder, Severe, In early or sustained remission F19.20 F19.21
F-19 - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-19• In 1986, the Testor Corporation released a model aircraft kit, calling it the "F-19 Stealth Fighter". The kit is claimed to be the best-selling plastic model kit of all time. • Like the Testor Corporation, Monogram models also released the "F-19A Specter" which was based on the design by Loral Inc. • In his 1986 novel Red Storm Rising, Tom Clancy featured the "F-19A Ghostrider" (nicknamed "Frisbee" by the pilots and crew) as a secret weapon used to combat a Soviet invasion …