F1 2020 (video game) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › F1_2020_(video_game)F1 2020 is the official video game of the 2020 Formula 1 and Formula 2 Championships developed and published by Codemasters. It is the thirteenth title in the Formula 1 series developed by the studio and was released on 7 July for pre-orders of the Michael Schumacher Edition and 10 July for the Seventy Edition on Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One and, for the first time, Stadia . [1]
Formula 1 -kausi 2020 – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_1_-kausi_2020Formula 1 -kausi 2020 oli Formula 1 -sarjan 71. maailmanmestaruuskausi. Kauden alkuperäinen kilpailukalenteri sisälsi 22 osakilpailua, mutta koronaviruspandemian vuoksi kilpailukauden aloitus 15. maaliskuuta Australiassa peruttiin juuri ennen ensimmäisten harjoitusten alkamista ja kausi käynnistyi perinteiseksi muodostuneen maaliskuisen aloituksen sijaan vasta alkuperäisen kalenterin 11. osakilpailusta 5. heinäkuuta Itävallassa.
2020 Formula One World Championship - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2020_Formula_One_WorldThe 2020 FIA Formula One World Championship was the motor racing championship for Formula One cars which was the 71st running of the Formula One World Championship. [a] It marked the 70th anniversary of the first Formula One World Drivers' Championship. [1] The championship was recognised by the governing body of international motorsport, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), as the highest class of competition for open-wheel racing cars.
Formula One - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Formula_OneIn the second quarter of 2020, Formula One reported a loss revenue of $122 million and an income of $24 million. This was a result of the delay of the racing championship start as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company grossed revenues of $620 million for the same quarter the previous year. Future