List of European countries - Simple English Wikipedia, the ... › wiki › List_of_European_countriesName of country or territory, with flag Area (km²) Population (As of 2011) Population density (per km²) Capital; Albania: 28,748 2,994,667 104.1 Tirana: Andorra: 468 84,082 146.2 Andorra la Vella: Austria: 83,858 8,217,280 97.9 Vienna: Belarus: 207,600 9,434,000 45.4 Minsk: Belgium: 30,510 10,431,477 341.9 Brussels: Bosnia and Herzegovina ...
List of European Countries and Capitals - is a complete list of the countries and capitals in Europe: Some of very famous capital cities of Europe are London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Moscow, Rome, Amsterdam, Sofia, Vienna, Prague, …
Capitals Of Europe By Countries (Updated List 2023) › capitals-europeThe European continent comprise of 48 capital cities in Europe out of which the capital cities like London, Paris, Amsterdam and Rome are the most visited as well as worldwide recognized capitals of Europe. Other major capitals of European continent are inclusive of: Germany, Berlin, Vatican City, Madrid of Spain, Brussels of Belgium and Athens ...
Capital Cities of Europe › capi...In Europe, you will find some famous capitals like Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, London, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, and Vienna, to name only some. On this ...