Court of Justice of the European Union | European Union › institutions-law-budgetCourt of Justice: 1 judge from each EU country, plus 11 advocates general. General Court: 2 judges from each EU country. Established in: 1952. Location: Luxembourg. Website : Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries, and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions.
Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin - European Union › institutions-law-budgetToimipaikka: Luxemburg. Verkkosivusto : Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin. Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin tulkitsee EU-lainsäädäntöä ja varmistaa, että sitä sovelletaan samalla tavalla kaikissa EU-maissa. Se myös ratkaisee EU-maiden ja EU-toimielinten välisiä riita-asioita. Tietyissä tapauksissa myös yksityishenkilöt, yritykset ja organisaatiot voivat viedä asioita Euroopan unionin tuomioistuimeen, jos ne katsovat, että jokin EU-toimielin on rikkonut niiden oikeuksia.
European Court of Justice - suomen kääntäminen – Linguee › englanti-suomi › käännösAs the European Court of Justice has confirmed in recent case-law, the purpose of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 is, inter alia, ‘to define the conditions for applying in the air transport sector the principle of the freedom to provide services which is enshrined in, inter alia, Articles 59 and 61 of the Treaty’ (2 ), which ‘requires not only the elimination of all discrimination on grounds of nationality against providers of services who are established in another Member State but also ...
CURIA - Language arrangements - European Court of Justice › jcms › jcmsThe provisions concerning language arrangements for proceedings before the Court of Justice are set out at Articles 36 to 42 of the Rules of Procedure. For proceedings before the General Court, the relevant provisions are Articles 44 to 49 of its Rules of Procedure. The Rules of Procedure of the two Courts of the European Union reflect the rules for language use laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1/58 determining the languages to be used by the European Union.