Dipoli - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DipoliDipoli is the main building of Aalto University, located in the university's Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Finland. It was designed by architects Reima and Raili Pietilä and opened in 1966. Dipoli was initially owned by the Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology who sold it to Aalto University in 2014.
Dipoli | Aalto University
www.aalto.fi › en › locationsExplore Dipoli and its event and conference facilities through a 360° space tour. Move from room to room and look around at the iconic main building of Aalto University. See Dipoli in 360. Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi. Parking and arriving to campus.
Espoo-päivä - Espoo juhlii!
espoopaiva.fiEspoo-päivä on kaikkien espoolaisten yhteinen juhlapäivä, jota vietetään vuosittain elokuun viimeisenä lauantaina. Vuonna 2023 Espoo-päivää vietetään 25. – 26. elokuuta eli juhlat alkavat jo perjantaina! Espoo-päivänä espoolaiset juhlivat kotikaupunkiaan järjestämällä erilaista ohjelmaa ympäri kaupunkia.
Dipoli · Finnish Architecture Navigator
navi.finnisharchitecture.fi › dipoliDipoli was used in its original purpose until 1981, after which it served for three decades as a conference and education centre. In 2014–17 it was renovated as the new main building of Aalto University by ALA Architects. The spatial division and the surface treatments were partially restored, but some of the free-form spaces had to be ...