Kaavat | Espoon kaupunki
www.espoo.fi › fi › asuminen-ja-rakentaminenKun asemakaavoitus tai yleiskaavoitus käynnistyy, kaavalle perustetaan oma verkkosivu. Sieltä löytyy tuorein tieto kaavan etenemisestä koko kaavaprosessin ajan. Kun asemakaava tulee voimaan, se pysyy verkkosivustolla vielä noin vuoden ajan. Sitä vanhemmat, voimassa olevat asemakaavat löytyvät Espoon karttapalvelusta.
Tapiola - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TapiolaTapiola is a district of the municipality of Espoo on the south coast of Finland, and is one of the major urban centres of Espoo. It is located in the western part of Greater Helsinki. The name Tapiola is derived from Tapio, who is the forest god of Finnish mythology, especially as expressed in the Kalevala. Tapiola was largely constructed in the 1950s and 1960s by the Finnish housing foundation and was designed as a garden city. It is the location of the Espoo cultural centre, the Espoo Museum
Tapiola metro station - Visit Espoo
www.visitespoo.fi › en › planTapiola metro station. Tapiola is the vibrant heart of Espoo's culture scene. You will also encounter culture at the Tapiola metro station, which has a lot of white and open space. The art and culture station features a work of art created by artist Kim Simonsson. Its digital forms supplement the sculpture that symbolises Tapiola as a whole.