Erwin Helmchen - Wikipedia › wiki › Erwin_HelmchenHelmchen started his career at FV Brandenburg Cottbus in 1923, at the age of 16. In Lower Lusatia, he took part with the FV Brandenburg in the finals of the South Eastern German football championship. However, the Breslau clubs, Sportfreunde Breslau and Breslauer SC 08 dominated the competition. He scored 151 goals in 86 official games.
Erwin Helmchen › wiki › erwin_helmchenErwin Helmchen(born May 10, 1907in Cottbus, † June 8, 1981in Kiel) was a German football player. Erwin Helmchen in a scrapbook Table of Contents 1 career 1.1 Associations, until 1945 1.2 After the Second World War, until 1956 1.3 Appointments 2 death and remembrance 3 Literatur 4 items of evidence career Associations, until 1945
Erwin Helmchen – Wikipedia › wiki › Erwin_HelmchenKnieriem schreibt Helmchen etwa 900 Tore in Pflichtspielen zu (850 ermittelt). Tod und Gedenken. Erwin Helmchen wohnte bis zu seinem Tod am 8. Juni 1981 mit seiner Frau Erna in einem Siedlungsreihenhaus in Kiel-Elmschenhagen. Sein Wunsch, „an der Gellertstraße“ ruhen zu wollen, wurde ihm symbolisch am 8.