Eriba| ERWIN HYMER GROUP › en › brands-productsEriba is the caravan specialist of the Erwin Hymer Group and benefits from over 60 years of experience. No wonder its model range offers so much more than just the legendary touring family. Caravans. Iconic designs in the automotive industry are well known: Porsche 911, Mini or Fiat 500.
ERIBA Touring 820 | Luxury caravan, extraordinarily designed › gb › enThe ERIBA Touring 820 combines total freedom with a reassuring feeling of safety and comfort. You will discover this as soon as you hit the road, thanks to caravan’s unique design with improved aerodynamics. This ensures low drag and impressive roadholding characteristics. On every road. FEATURES £79,450.00 Price from a) 2 - 4 Sleeping berths
ERIBA Touring | Iconic caravan, perfect companion › gb › enThe ERIBA Touring was named Caravan of the Year 2020. The cult caravan impresses above all with its classic shape, low weight, compact dimensions and the generous 1.95 m headroom thanks to the ERIBA lifting roof. Doubly unique – our equipment lines FREEDOM BEGINS WITH OPTIONS. The feel-good factor also depends on the right appearance.