Elisa - About Elisa
elisa.com › corporateElisa is a Finnish market leader in telecommunications and digital services. With digitalisation, we’re providing solutions for things that are important to people and for sustainable development. During our 140-year history, we have always been enthusiastic about utilising new technologies and ways of working.
Elisa - A sustainable future through digitalisation
elisa.comElisa’s mission is a sustainable future through digitalisation. We are a pioneer in telecommunications and digital services, and in 5G. We provide sustainable solutions for over 2.8 million consumer, corporate and public administration customers in our core markets of Finland and Estonia, as well as in over 100 countries internationally.
Elisa (company) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Elisa_(company)Elisa Oyj (2003-present) [ edit] Since 2003 the company's name has been Elisa Oyj. [1] In 2005 investment company Novator Partners acquired a 10.4% stake in Elisa through a share swap when Elisa bought the smaller operator Saunalahti, which had been mostly owned by Novator.
Elisa Oyj - Y-tunnus: 0116510-6 - Yritystiedot, taloustiedot ...
https://www.finder.fi/Televiestintä+televiestintäpalvelut/Elisa+Oyj/Helsinki...Elisa Oyj, Y-tunnus 0116510-6, 0116510-6, , , 010 Näytä numero, 010 26060, Ratavartijankatu 5, 00520 Helsinki, PL 1, 00061 Elisa, Näytä aukioloajat, www.elisa.fi, Kaupparekisterissä, …