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Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt - The Greatest First Lady? Documentary
20.8.2021 · Eleanor Roosevelt remains, to this day, a “ candle that lights the darkness “ . She is an exceptional example of how much a determined individual - although not blessed with socially defined...
Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. National Park Service) › people › elean...
Eleanor Roosevelt ; Significance: Former First Lady of the United States, Human Rights Advocate ; Place of Birth: New York City ; Date of Birth:.
Eleanor Roosevelt - Wikipedia
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American political figure, diplomat, and activist. She served as the first lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945, during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office, making her the longest-serving first lady of the United States. Roosevelt served as United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952. President Harry S. Truman later called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her hum…
Eleanor Roosevelt | Biography, Human Rights ... - Britannica
4.5.1999 · Read a brief summary of this topic. Eleanor Roosevelt, in full Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, (born October 11, 1884, New York, New York, U.S.—died …
Eleanor Roosevelt - Quotes, Death & Facts - Biography › us-first-lady › eleanor-roosevelt
Feb 28, 2018 · Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt? Eleanor Roosevelt was the niece of one U.S. president, Theodore Roosevelt, and married a man who would become another, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Redefining the role...
Eleanor Roosevelt – Wikipedia
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, född 11 oktober 1884 i New York i New York, död 7 november 1962 i New York i New York, var en amerikansk FN-delegat och presidenthustru. Hon var gift med …
Eleanor Roosevelt | Biography, Human Rights, Accomplishments ... › biography › Eleanor-Roosevelt
Nov 03, 2022 · Eleanor Roosevelt, in full Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, (born October 11, 1884, New York, New York, U.S.—died November 7, 1962, New York City, New York), American first lady (1933–45), the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States, and a United Nations diplomat and humanitarian. She was, in her time, one of the world’s most widely admired and powerful women.
Eleanor Roosevelt | Biography, Human Rights ... › biography
Eleanor Roosevelt, in full Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, (born October 11, 1884, New York, New York, U.S.—died November 7, 1962, New York City, ...
Eleanor Roosevelt - Wikipedia › wiki › Eleanor_Roosevelt
lokakuuta 1884 – 7. marraskuuta 1962) oli yhdysvaltalainen ihmisoikeusaktivisti, diplomaatti ja Yhdysvaltain presidentin Franklin Delano Rooseveltin vaimo.
Eleanor Roosevelt - White House Historical Association › e...
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, in New York City. She was the oldest child of Elliot Roosevelt and Anna Hall.
Eleanor Roosevelt – Wikipedia
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (11. lokakuuta 1884 – 7. marraskuuta 1962) oli yhdysvaltalainen ihmisoikeusaktivisti, diplomaatti ja Yhdysvaltain presidentin Franklin Delano Rooseveltin vaimo. Miehensä kuoltua 1945 hän jatkoi yhteiskunnallista uraansa ja työskenteli YK:ssa maansa … Näytä lisää
Eleanor Roosevelt — Wikipédia
Activiste. modifier. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (« Éléonore », la version traduite de son prénom, est souvent aussi d'usage pour les francophones), née le 11 octobre 1884 et morte le 7 novembre 1962, est une figure politique, diplomate et …
Eleanor Roosevelt eli onnettoman lapsuuden - äiti ja isä ... › tv-ja-elokuvat › art-2000008057403
Eleanor Rooseveltistä tuli aivan poikkeuksellinen Yhdysvaltain ensimmäinen nainen, jonka elämään mahtui runsaasti tragedioita.
Eleanor Roosevelt - Wikisitaatit › wiki › Eleanor_Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (s. 11. lokakuuta 1884 - k. 7. marraskuuta 1962) oli yhdysvaltalainen ihmisoikeusaktivisti, diplomaatti ja Yhdysvaltain presidentin ...
K1, J1: Eleanor Roosevelt | Naiset vallan takana - Yle Areena › ...
Kausi 1, 1/6. Eleanor Rooseveltin lapsuuden vaikutus näkyi hänen elämässään. Eleanor oli eturintamassa auttamassa suuren laman uhreja sekä ...
Eleanor Roosevelt - Wikipedia › wiki › Eleanor_Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (/ ˈ ɛ l ɪ n ɔːr ˈ r oʊ z ə v ɛ l t /) (October 11, 1884 – November 7, 1962) was an American political figure, diplomat, and activist.
Eleanor Roosevelt Biography - FDR Library › er-biogra...
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11, 1884. Her father was Elliott Roosevelt, President Theodore Roosevelt's younger brother and ...
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt | The White House › ... › First Families
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the longest-serving First Lady throughout her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office (1933-1945).
Eleanor Roosevelt - HISTORY
8.11.2009 · Eleanor Roosevelt died at age 78 on November 7, 1962, in New York City from aplastic anemia, tuberculosis and heart failure. Her funeral was attended by President Kennedy and former presidents...
First lady Eleanor Roosevelt died on this day 60 years ago after …
7.11.2022 · Bettmann Archive. Eleanor Roosevelt, who holds the distinction of longest-serving first lady and who helped guide the American people through the Great Depression and World …
Eleanor Roosevelt - Wikipedia › wiki › Elea...
She served as the first lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945, during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office, making her the ...
Eleanor Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born at 56 West 37th Street in New York City on October 11, 1884, and died at 55 East 74th Street in Manhattan on November 7, 1962. Eleanor, the wife of President Franklin D. …