Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees
www.ecosia.orgEcosia uses the ad revenue from your searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. By searching with Ecosia, you’re not only reforesting our planet, but you’re also empowering the communities around our planting projects to build a better future for themselves.
EcoSairila - Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd › ecosairila100 hectares of industrial space. In EcoSairila, the blue and the green circular economy are intertwined to form an holistic, circular economy, development platform. We close all the loops and bring together an extensive group of companies specializing in the circular economy, as well as R&D organizations studying new technologies and business ...
Etusivu - EcoSairila
https://ecosairila.fiVerkkoEcoSairila on alueellisten materiaalikiertojen solmukohta ja profiloituu erityisesti vedenkäsittelyn teknologioissa. EcoSairila yhdistää laajan joukon yrityksiä, julkisia …
Home - EcoSairila › en › homeEcoSairila is a circular economy centre. EcoSairila is a hub of regional material cycles, and it has a strong profile in water treatment technologies. EcoSairila combines a wide range of companies, public entities and RDI and educational organisations to create a unique innovation ecosystem. Close collaboration between local actors and the ...