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EU publications

EU publications - Switzerland Global Enterprise › eu-publications
Please click for an overview of these publications. Official EU documents. The European Union maintains numerous databases, most of which can be accessed via ...
Access to the Official Journal - EUR-Lex - Europa › oj › direct-access
Jan 20, 2023 · EU law. Treaties. Treaties currently in force; Founding treaties; Accession Treaties; Other treaties and protocols; Chronological overview; Legal acts; Consolidated texts; International agreements; Preparatory documents; EFTA documents; Lawmaking procedures; Summaries of EU legislation; Browse by EU institutions. European Parliament; European Council; Council of the European Union
Publications Office of the European Union
Publications Office of the European Union
Publications | AmCham EU › publicati...
AmCham EU welcomes the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Europe faces a wide range of challenges, starting with Russia's invasion of ...
Publications - European Commission › public...
Search for Commission documents on this website. These include Commission plans, reports, studies, factsheets and much more.
Publications Office of the European Union
Publications Office of the European Union
EU Publications - EU sources and information - EC Library ... › EU_sources › publications
Oct 14, 2022 · EU Publications – the online library of the European Union If you are looking for publications about the EU and its policies, the EU Publications website is the place to go. It is a gateway to more than 100 000 titles from the EU institutions, agencies and bodies, with publications in more than 50 languages.
Publications |
The EMCDDA produces a wide range of thematic publications in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at different target audiences. In this section of the website, you can …
Hydrogen generation in Europe - Publications Office of the EU
The European Commission published its hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe on the 8th July 2020. This strategy brings different strands of policy action …
Publications - Consilium - Europa
The EU Guidelines underline the Union's commitment to promoting compliance with IHL and set out the main tools at its disposal. The Council Working Group on Public International Law …
Home - Publications Office of the EU
Easy access to EU publications of the EU institutions and bodies.
EU Publications (@EUPublications) / Twitter › eupublications
Tweeting about publications from the EU institutions, agencies + bodies. ... The #newsletter from the EU Publications Office helps you discover a wealth of ...
EU law - EUR-Lex
EU law. Treaties. Treaties currently in force; Founding treaties; Accession Treaties; Other treaties and protocols; Chronological overview; Legal acts; Consolidated texts; …
EU law - EUR-Lex
EU law. Treaties. Treaties currently in force; Founding treaties; Accession Treaties; Other treaties and protocols; Chronological overview; Legal acts; Consolidated texts; …
Publications - entso-e › publications
Position Papers. ENTSO-E is the common voice of European TSOs and provides expert contributions and a view to energy debates to support policymakers in ...
EIPA Publications › publications
EIPA's publications address key issues for public management, EU governance and EU law, and form an integral part of the institute's services.
Access to information - European Union
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union expands on these points. It states that the EU institutions are obliged to act publicly and to ensure that individuals and any natural or legal …
EU Publications (@EUPublications) / Twitter › eupublications
Oct 2, 2009 · Tweeting about publications from the EU institutions, agencies + bodies. Managed by the EU Publications Office @EULawDataPubs.
Publications Office of the European Union | LinkedIn › company
The Publications Office of the European Union is the publishing house of the institutions, agencies and other bodies of the European Union.
Publications - European Commission
European Commission European Semester EU investment financial services budget policy banking policy withdrawal from the EU EU budget research policy innovation EU …
Access to the Official Journal - EUR-Lex
EU law. Treaties. Treaties currently in force; Founding treaties; Accession Treaties; Other treaties and protocols; Chronological overview; Legal acts; Consolidated texts; …
Publications - European Commission › publications_en
Jan 13, 2023 · European Commission European Semester EU investment financial services budget policy banking policy withdrawal from the EU EU budget research policy innovation EU office or agency application of EU law fund (EU) Brexit economic conditions research programme consumer credit energy union financial market financing policy fiscal policy energy efficiency energy policy Economic and Monetary Union capital markets union banking supervision trade agreement euro economic policy implementation of the ...