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EU direct

Europe Direct | Libraries Ireland › services
The Europe Direct initiative was launched in Ireland in 2005. The European Commission wanted to create a network of accessible, local information centres in ...
Funding & tenders - European Commission
EUROPE DIRECT help identify the aspects of EU policies that are important at local level and can frame messages and activities to match local needs. Through outreach and citizen …
Europe Direct - answering your questions about the EU
The Europe Direct Contact Centre is run by the European Commission. We answer any question from the public about the European Union, via phone or email. Our staff includes native …
EUROPE DIRECT Häme & Pirkanmaa - Pirkan Helmi ry › europe-direct
Ota yhteyttä. EUROPE DIRECT Häme & Pirkanmaa. Pirkanmaan toimipiste. Voipaalan taidekeskus, Pakari-rakennus. Sääksmäentie 772, 37700 Sääksmäki puh. 040 750 2242 ...
EU direct payments - Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö › support-and-aid › eu...
The direct payments provided by the EU are part of the income support for farmers funded from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
EU-tietopiste Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla › vaikuttaminen › eu...
EU-tietopiste tuo Euroopan unionin lähemmäs alueensa asukkaita Paikalliset Europe Direct -tiedotuspisteet (EDIC) ovat Euroopan unionin tärkeä.
Contact the EU | European Union › contact-eu_en
Aug 9, 2010 · Get in touch with the EU With Europe Direct you can call, write or meet us. Call us 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from anywhere in the EU weekdays 09:00 - 18:00 CET in any EU language or Ukrainian or Russian More details on calls Write to us We'll reply in 3 working days (or longer, for more complex questions) in any EU language or Ukrainian or Russian.
Contact the EU | European Union › co...
With Europe Direct you can call, write or meet us. Call us. 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11. from anywhere in the EU; weekdays ...
EU Direct! Fast Home Delivery and Free Shipping!
European Union countries include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, …
Europe Direct - Kainuun liitto › europe-direct
EUROPE DIRECT Kainuu is member of the Europe Direct network in Finland, which in turn is part of a Europe-wide family of centres.
TED home - TED Tenders Electronic Daily - Europa
TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) is the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal' of the EU, dedicated to European public procurement. TED publishes 676 …
EU Direct! Fast Home Delivery and Free Shipping! - DX › promotion › euwearhous
European Union countries include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg,...
Write to us - European Union
Type your enquiry below – in any official EU language. You can also use Ukrainian and Russian. Please be as detailed as possible and be sure to include your correct contact details. You will …
Kontakt zur EU | Europäische Union
Ihr direkter Draht zur EU Über Europe Direct erreichen Sie uns telefonisch, schriftlich oder persönlich. Rufen Sie uns an 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 von überall in der EU an …
The Europe Direct initiative - EU Funds › europe-direct
Europe Direct Information Centres (EDICs) are local contact points. They provide information and answer questions on all kind of European matters, they answer ...
Europe Direct – tietosuojaseloste
Pikaviestisovelluksen kautta tehdyt kysymykset välitetään suoraan Europe Direct -keskustietopalveluun suoraan mitään väliohjelmistoa. Pikaviestisovelluksilla tehtyjä kysymyksiä …
European Union gateway › index_en
Discover the EU’s priorities for 2019-2024: promoting a green Europe, developing the economic base, protecting citizens and their freedoms. Budget How the EU budget is funded and spent, managing EU funds, areas of expenditure, fact check on the EU budget.
Types of EU law - European Commission › law › law-making-process
The European Union is based on the rule of law. This means that every action taken by the EU is founded on treaties that have been approved democratically by its members. EU laws help to achieve the objectives of the EU treaties and put EU policies into practice. There are two main types of EU law – primary and secondary.
Europe Direct - answering your questions about the EU › contact-eu › write-us
The Europe Direct Contact Centre is run by the European Commission. We answer any question from the public about the European Union, via phone or email. Our staff includes native speakers of the EU's 24 official languages, as well as Ukrainian and Russian. give you an immediate answer to general questions about the EU.
Europe Direct Kainuu (@EdKainuu) / Twitter › edkainuu
Vihreä siirtymä Kainuussa on Kainuun liiton ja Europe Direct Kainuun EU-teemajulkaisu, ... Olemme mukana osastolla, Kainuun liitto ja Europe Direct Kainuu.
Call us - European Union
Call Europe Direct for all your questions about the EU or let us call you. You call us from inside the EU 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 Weekdays 9:00 - 18:00 CET Calls are free In any …
Europe Direct Häme & Pirkanmaa - Home | Facebook › Pages › Other › Community
Europe Direct Häme & Pirkanmaa, Valkeakoski. 195 likes · 4 talking about this. Europe Direct Häme & Pirkanmaa -tietopisteestä saat EU-tietoa joko paikan...
Contact the EU | European Union
Get in touch with the EU With Europe Direct you can call, write or meet us. Call us 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from anywhere in the EU weekdays 09:00 - 18:00 CET in any EU …
Applying EU law - European Commission › law › law-making-process
The 2022 communication Enforcing EU law for a Europe that delivers presents the variety of tools that the Commission uses to ensure that EU law is properly applied in all cases to meet its main objective: that people and businesses benefit from the commonly agreed rules throughout the EU, as quickly as possible. From prevention to sanctions, the communication sets out how the Commission has deepened and developed its work on enforcement, to ensure that rights of Europeans are upheld equally ...
Europe Direct - Wikipedia
The EU-wide network of 424 EUROPE DIRECT centres (including 7 in Ireland, 3 in Malta and one in Curacao (launched in may 2021) ) are open to the public. The current generation of …