Event Horizon Telescope
eventhorizontelescope.orgAn international team anchored by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, which is known for capturing the first image of a black hole in the galaxy Messier 87, has now imaged the heart of the nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A in unprecedented detail.
Live Stream - Home - Greentree Church
https://greentree.org/liveHOW DO I ACCESS THE LIVE STREAM? We stream on YouTube. Click the link below to access the stream. When available, we will publish a sermon outline. Families with young children may also consider using “Sermon Notes for Kids.”. Help keep our church strong during this time. Give online OR give by text: TEXT GTgive to 73256.
Jääkiekon EHT | TV | Areena | yle.fi
https://areena.yle.fi/1-3785471Leijonat voitti voitti Tshekin maalein 3–0 Helsingin EHT-turnauksen ottelussa. 1 min la 10.11.2018 Käynnistä ohjelma; 15 min "Täytyy myöntää, etten ole nähnyt peliä ollenkaan" – Kimmo Timonen ehti juhlahumun keskeltä vieraaksi Ylen tv-studioon Helsingin areenassa kunnioitettiin lauantaina yhtä suomalaisen jääkiekon suurista.
Egg Harbor Township Street Hockey Association
www.ehtstreethockey.comParents will have the ability to add money to their team account through PayPal which can be accessed from the attached link below (Buy Now). Please make sure you post the coaches name to your team snack stand deposit. This allows the players to go to the snack stand after each game. You may also pay by cash at the stand, the stand coordinators ...