Drospirenone (Slynd)—A New Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptive
jamanetwork.com › journals › jamaThe FDA has approved a progestin-only oral contraceptive (“minipill”) containing drospirenone (Slynd – Exeltis). All other progestin-only oral contraceptives available in the US contain norethindrone (Camila, and others). 1 Progestin-only oral contraceptives are similar in efficacy to combination oral contraceptives. 2 They are used predominantly by breastfeeding women and by those in ...
SLINDA - Terveyskirjasto
www.terveyskirjasto.fi › far05756Aug 22, 2022 · Drospirenoni on keltarauhashormoni ja valmiste kuuluu ns. minipillereiden ryhmään. Siinä on vain yksi vaikuttava aine, joka vaikuttaa pääasiassa estämällä munasolun irtoamisen. Lisäksi valmiste muuttaa kohdunkaulan liman koostumusta ja ohentaa kohdun limakalvoa, mikä parantaa ehkäisytehoa.
Drospirenone - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DrospirenoneDrospirenone. Drospirenone is a progestin and antiandrogen medication which is used in birth control pills to prevent pregnancy and in menopausal hormone therapy, among other uses. [1] [8] It is available both alone under the brand name Slynd and in combination with an estrogen under the brand name Yasmin among others.