Stamps - Delcampe Blog › en › collections-enSep 15, 2022 · The beautiful love story behind one of the rarest of US stamps! Stamps. The Blue Boy is a unique stamp and one of the jewels of American philately. That in itself makes it both spectacular and interesting. However, there is also a very beautiful love story behind the stamp. Sébastien tells you the story in this new World of Collecting video!
Delcampe | Buying and selling collectibles › en_USThe seller puts items up for sale. 2. The buyer places a bid or buys the item at a fixed price. 3. The buyer receives confirmation that he has won the item and pays for it. 4. After receipt of the item, the buyer and seller evaluate each other. 5. Each month, the seller pays Delcampe his fees based on what he has sold.
Delcampe Corporate › en › our-historyDelcampe modifies its graphic identity (logo, website design…). 2016. Launch of Delcampe Magazine Philately, a free bimonthly online magazine. 2017. Delcampe launches the Delcampe Collection Blog and the Delcampe Corporate website. 2018. Launch of Delcampe Pay, the payment method developed for the Delcampe website. 2019
Delcampe do I create my shop and configure my sale settings? Published in Sell. In order to sell your items, you must first create your shop and configure your settings. Creating a shop is completely …
Delcampe | Acheter et vendre ses objets de collection
www.delcampe.netUtiliser Delcampe... c'est facile ! Le vendeur met des objets en vente. L'acheteur pose une enchère ou achète l'objet à prix fixe. L'acheteur reçoit la confirmation qu'il a remporté l'objet et le paie. Après réception de l'objet, l'acheteur et le vendeur s'évaluent mutuellement. Chaque mois, le vendeur paie ses frais à Delcampe sur ...
Delcampe Corporate › enOn 1st October 2000, Sébastien Delcampe launched, the collectors' marketplace. Specialized in stamps and postcards, the marketplace grew very quickly to reach more than 25,000 categories and more than one million members. Every day, more than 10,000 items are sold and acquired thanks to Delcampe.