GitHub - pladaria/degiro: DEGIRO (unoficial) API › pladaria › degiroFeb 10, 2019 · DeGiro API This is an unofficial Node.js API client for DeGiro 's trading platform. Using this module you can easily automate your orders (buy and sell) and get information about orders, funds or products. DeGiro is Europe's fastest growing online stockbroker. DeGiro distinguishes itself by offering institutional fees to retail investors.
degiro-api - npm › degiro-apiDeGiro Trading Broker API. This is an unofficial TypeScript API client (Backend only) for DeGiro's trading platform. Using this module you can easily automate your orders (buy and sell) and get information about orders, funds or products. From now on we have one time password (OTP) support.
degiroapi · PyPI › project › degiroapiJun 19, 2020 · DegiroAPI An unofficial API for the trading platform Degiro written in Python Getting Started Installing pip install degiroapi Dependecies pip install requests Imports import degiroapi from degiroapi.product import Product from degiroapi.order import Order from degiroapi.utils import pretty_json Logging into your account