DataCity Analytics
datacityanalytics.comDataCity Analytics is your trusted partner in data solutions. We help our customers understand and enhance data collection and analysis. Our custom solutions working with data help position customers for success in the marketplace, providing unparalleled insight into existing operations as well as the tools and planning required to support constant evolution and continued analysis of your data. -
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The Pirate's Lair - DataCity
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The Data City – the alternative to SIC codes
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DataCity Lab
www.datacitylab.comAt DataCity Lab, we help cities test possible solutions to their upcoming challenges using the resources of their local ecosystem. We bring together large corporates and small technological companies to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced by municipalities, through the use of data. See our case studies - About Us
datacity-label.comFounded in the year 2014 we have combined experience of 5+ years in support and management. The company has earned a great reputation in technology facilitating unique and innovation solutions. We believe that the formula for customer satisfaction is superior, and quality with exceptional service has helped us grow in the industry.