DSA Academy - California
www.dgs.ca.gov › DSA › ResourcesDSA Academy. The public and Division of the State Architect (DSA) staff can register for trainings on school construction plan review for public K–12 schools, community colleges, and essential services buildings; building code; accessibility; and, other related topics. To help promote consistency in the knowledge and application of the California Building Standards Code, as well as regulations needed for successful plan review and construction of projects under DSA's jurisdiction, there is ...
DSA, Inc
www.dsainc.comThe DSA Way is to provide resilient, sustainable solutions for our clients. Founded in 1963, we established recognition as a leader of secure, innovative technology and information management solutions that enable our customers to serve the public and safeguard our nation.
Division of the State Architect - California
www.dgs.ca.gov › dsaThe DSA Academy offers classes that promote consistent knowledge and application of the California Building Codes (CBC) as well as regulations needed for successful plan review, and construction of projects under DSA’s jurisdiction. DSAbox File Sharing for School Construction Projects
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - Working towards a ...
www.dsausa.orgThe Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States because we’re a member-driven mass organization. We believe that working people should run both the economy and civil society, and we show our commitment to this principle by being an organization of, by, and for the working class.