Villapaitaohjeet ja -langat | › fi › neulominenLankava Villava-villalanka 180x3 Alkaen 10,90 € / kpl DROPS Karisma Alkaen 2,70 € / kpl DROPS Snow Alkaen 2,40 € / kpl Sandnes Peer Gynt Alkaen 3,90 € / kpl Sandnes Fritidsgarn Alkaen 3,90 € / kpl Lankava Naturelli Mukava 5,50 € / kpl Esito-lenkkimohair Alkaen 28,80 € / kpl Austermann Merino 105 EXP Alkaen 7,90 € / kpl Austermann Camel & Wool
Ravelry: Garnstudio DROPS Karisma › library › garnstudio-drops-karismaAug 1, 2022 · DROPS Karisma is a 4 strands sport yarn with great shape stability that is superwash treated, which means that it’s machine washable and perfect for everyday use. Soft and comfortable to the skin, DROPS Karisma has been one of the most popular qualities in our classic wool range since its first introduction in Scandinavia during the 1980s ...
Buy DROPS KARISMA From DROPS Online | › catalog › yarnsDROPS Karisma is a 4 strands sport yarn which has great shape stability and is superwash treated, which means that it is machine washable and perfect for daily use. Soft and comfortable to the skin, DROPS Karisma is one of the most popular qualities in our classic wool range since its first introduction in Scandinavia during the 80s, and is ...