What is the DiSC D type? - discprofiles.com
https://www.discprofiles.com/disc-d-typeWebThe DiSC ® D personality type at a glance. Traits: Strong-willed, self-reliant, independent thinkers, direct, ambitious, assertive, straightforward, controlling, easily bored, bold, firm, tough-minded, outspoken. In tense …
DiSC D styles - DiSC Profile
www.discprofile.com › what-is-disc › disc-stylesThe Di Style. Di styles tend to be results-oriented, vocal, and enthusiastic, influencing others through their charm and bold action. Traits: dynamic, inquisitive, persuasive, rebellious, restless, entrepreneurial, results oriented, vocal, enthusiastic. Goals: quick action, new opportunities.
The DiSC Styles - DiSC Profile
www.discprofile.com › what-is-disc › disc-stylesExplore the D style i = influence A person in this DiSC quadrant places emphasis on influencing or persuading others. They tend to be enthusiastic, optimistic, open, trusting, and energetic. Explore the i style S = Steadiness A person in this DiSC quadrant places emphasis on cooperation, sincerity, loyalty, and dependability.