DHL Saimaantie - Lappeenranta | Mapdoor › fi › esGet phone number, opening hours, latest drop off time, available services, shipment limitations, address, map location, driving directions for DHL Service Point at R-Kioski Joutseno, Saimaantie 5, 54100 Lappeenranta, Southern Finland
Toimipisteet | DHL Freight | Suomi › fi-fi › homeDHL Freight Frankfurt. Zum Fliegerhorst 1301. 63526 Erlensee +49 (0) 6183/9076-0. eMail DHL Freight Saarbrücken. Im Schiffelland 15. 66386, St. Ingbert +49 (0) 681 9372 0. eMail DHL Freight Worms. Altrheinstraße 9. 67550 Worms +49 (0)6242 509 0. eMail kundenservice.worms@dhl ...
DHL ServicePoints | DHL Parcel › en › consumerA DHL Locker is a yellow wall with lockers. It's a simple and easy way for you to send and pick up parcels yourself. Most DHL Lockers are accessible 24 hours a day. If you've sent your parcel to a locker, we'll e-mail or text you a unique pick-up code once your parcel is safely in the locker.
DHL Express Easy
https://expresseasy.fiDHL EXPRESS EASY -palvelulla lähetät pakettisi ja asiakirjasi kotimaahan tai ulkomaille helposti, luotettavasti ja nopeasti! Valmistele ja maksa lähetyksesi ...
Tracking - DHL - United States of America › us-en › homeIf you do not have a tracking number, we advise you to contact your shipper. However, if you have other shipping reference numbers, they may work using shipment tracking systems of the specific business unit in charge of the shipment (for example: DHL Express or DHL Freight).