Del - Wikipedia <del>...</del> – elemento HTML per testo cancellato (visualizzato barrato) del – comando testuale presente da MS-DOS ad ogni console Windows odierna, il cui scopo è cancellare uno o più file alla diretta richiesta dell'utente o dello script/batch.
Rhyan - Wikipedia tuntia sitten · Rhyan is a given name and surname. Notable people with the name include: Rhyan Grant (born 1991), Australian footballer. Rhyan Mansell (born 2000), Australian rules footballer. Rhyan White (born 2000), American swimmer. Sean …
Del - Wikipedia, or nabla, is an operator used in mathematics (particularly in vector calculus) as a vector differential operator, usually represented by the nabla symbol ∇. When applied to a function defined on a one-dimensional domain, it denotes the standard derivative of the function as defined in calculus. When
DEL 2021/22 – Wikipedia DEL-Saison 2021/22 ist die 28. Spielzeit der Deutschen Eishockey-Liga, offiziell PENNY DEL, der höchsten Liga im deutschen Eishockey.Die Saison startete am 9. September 2021 und wird spätestens mit dem letzten Finalspiel am 5. Mai 2022 enden. Die Spiele der DEL werden wie in den Vorjahren von Magenta Sport und Sport 1 übertragen. Zum 5.