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Coolbet - Online Partner for The Festival Series › coolbetApr 10, 2023 · April 10, 2023 · 4 minutes to read. Share. Coolbet is a young Estonian-based award-winning Sportsbook, Online Casino and Poker Provider. It was launched in 2016 and focuses heavily on the Scandinavian market. Recently Coolbet started targeting Latin America as well as Canada. Coolbet players can qualify for the Festival Series throughout the ... - Sports. Casino. Poker › en › aboutOver the course of several years we have developed Coolbet into a concept emphasizing openness and fair play towards our customers. We will be so open that we even show what our customers, as a group, are betting and for how much. The company has solid owners with a long-term mindset and a wish to develop Coolbet to the best of its kind.