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Comma Exercises

Exercises on Comma Rules in English - 13 - Writing English › cram-up › e...
Exercises on English Comma Rules. Put in commas where necessary. Decide whether to use a comma or not. Bob has one sister, Jane.
Sarah please stop jumping on the bed. X comma required! ... Yes, the plane will arrive tomorrow morning at 5:45. A comma is put after common introductory words ...
Comma Exercise 2 // Purdue Writing Lab
Exercise : Comma Exercise 2. Place commas wherever they are needed in the following sentences. 1. There was no question that John's painting a huge colorful and ugly mural was …
Grammar Bytes! :: Commas :: Exercise 1 › hotpotatoes
Commas :: Exercise 1. Directions: Choose the option that will fix the comma error. Download the accompanying handout to keep track of your answers.
Commas Quiz | The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation › co...
Commas Quiz. 1. For each of the following, choose the sentence with the correct comma placement. A) ...
Online Writing Lab - Comma Placement, Exercise 1 - D'Youville › owl › exercises
Comma Placement - Exercise 1 ; 1. Therefore it is very useful to study all the rules of grammar so that you can apply them to your writing. ; Click to select, a.) ...
Comma Quiz › quiz.html.htm
Comma Quiz Multiple-choice exercise. 1/10. 1, Which of these sentences uses commas correctly? The students are required to bring, their textbooks, ...
Meet the comma (practice) | Khan Academy › e › meet-the-comma
Arts and humanities Grammar Punctuation: the comma and the apostrophe Introduction to commas. Three ways to end a sentence. Practice: Three ways to end a sentence. Meet the comma. Practice: Meet the comma. Punctuating lists. Practice: Punctuating lists. Next lesson. Commas in space and time.
Comma Exercises - Long Beach City College › exercisecomma
Comma Exercises Using commas to separate a long introductory phrase from the main clause. Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with commas. 1. Having been told of the test John wondered when he would study. 2.Wading into the cool lake we found relief from the heat. 3.In the heat of a summer afternoon our air conditioner stopped.
Commas: Practice - University of Lynchburg › grammar
... some exercises for further practice. To use these exercises, print the page and use as a worksheet. In each exercise, place a comma wherever necessary.
Comma Exercise 1 // Purdue Writing Lab
Exercise : Comma Exercise 1. Add commas as needed in the sentences below. On the line to the left of each sentence, write the number of the appropriate comma rule (click here to see …
Comma Exercise 2 // Purdue Writing Lab › owl_exercises › punctuation
Commas Exercise : Comma Exercise 2 Place commas wherever they are needed in the following sentences. 1. There was no question that John's painting a huge colorful and ugly mural was the worst entry in the art exhibit. 2.
Comma Exercises - LBCC › sites › files › exercisecomma
Comma Exercises. Using commas to separate a long introductory phrase from the main clause. Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with commas.
Comma Exercises With Answers | Writer River › comma-exercises-with-answers
Comma Exercises With Answers Comma Exercises With Answers – The use of commas (,) in sentences has a function to separate words that have similarities, two phrases, etc. However, you also need to know the correct ways to use a comma in a sentence. So now, we will be providing the comma exercises for grade 2, 3, and 4 along with the answers.
Meet the comma (practice) | Khan Academy
Practice: Three ways to end a sentence. Meet the comma. Practice: Meet the comma. Punctuating lists. Practice: Punctuating lists. Next lesson. Commas in space and time.
Comma Exercise 1 // Purdue Writing Lab › owl_exercises › punctuation
Punctuation Exercises Commas Exercise : Comma Exercise 1 Add commas as needed in the sentences below. On the line to the left of each sentence, write the number of the appropriate comma rule ( click here to see the rules ). If the sentence is correct as it is, write C on the line and refer to the appropriate rule in parentheses after the sentence.
Comma Exercises With Answers | Writer River
However, you also need to know the correct ways to use a comma in a sentence. So now, we will be providing the comma exercises for grade 2, 3, and 4 along with the answers. Comma …
Comma Exercise 1 // Purdue Writing Lab › commas › co...
Exercise : Comma Exercise 1 ... Add commas as needed in the sentences below. On the line to the left of each sentence, write the number of the appropriate comma ...
Commas Quiz | The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation › grammar_quiz › commas_1
1. For each of the following, choose the sentence with the correct comma placement. A) I took Angie, the one with the freckles to the movie last night. B) I took Angie, the one with the freckles, to the movie last night. C) I took Angie the one with the freckles, to the movie last night. D)