Collective (2019 film) - Wikipedia (Romanian: Colectiv, also known as Collective: Unravelling a Scandal) is a 2019 Romanian documentary film directed, written, produced and edited by Alexander Nanau. The film centers on the 2016 public health scandal following the Colectiv nightclub fire. The film follows dual stories of investigative journalists at the Romanian newspaper Gazeta Sporturilor uncovering public healthcare corrup…
Colectiv nightclub fire - Wikipedia"Moment of Silence", the song wherewith Ovidiu Anton who was to represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, was written in the wake of #Colectiv protests. "It's a song for all the people who should remember once again that we are the only ones in control of our lives, no one has the right to use our souls to get obscure interests", said Ovidiu, alluding to maneuvers leading to the fire.
Collective Online Politica de confidentialitate si politica fisierelor de tip cookie; ... ©2023 SC FF GROUP ROMANIA SRL este inregistrata in registrul de evidenta a prelucrarii cu date de caracter personal sub nr. …