Serum Creatinine versus Corrected Cockcroft-Gault Equation ... › ijab › FulltextMay 12, 2021 · ion. The values of the estimated creatinine clearance and GFR are considered to Poggio reference ones according to biological parameters (age and gender). The aim of the study was to determine the difference in renal function estimation between serum creatinine and corrected CG equation according to the Poggio reference values in the arterial hypertension patients. Materials and Methods: The ...
GFR-laskuri (Cockroft-Gault) › medserv › klkemiCockcroft-Gaultin kaava huomioi potilaan painon, iän ja sukupuolen keskimääräisen vaikutuksen lihasmassaan ja kreatiniinin muodostumisnopeuteen elimistössä. GFR (mL/min) = 1.15 x (140- ikä (v)) x paino (kg) x (0.85 jos nainen) / P-Krea (µmol/l).
Creatinine Clearance Calculator - › kinetics › crclCreatinine clearance ( CrCl) is an estimate of Glomerular Filtration Rate ( GFR ); however, CrCl is slightly higher than true GFR because creatinine is secreted by the proximal tubule (in addition to being filtered by the glomerulus). The additional proximal tubule secretion falsely elevates the CrCl estimate of GFR. 12.
Creatinine Clearance (Cockcroft-Gault Equation) - MDCalc › calc › 43Insights from Dr. Cockcroft: Calculating creatinine clearance was a "simple" resident research project designed by Dr. Henry Gault, my mentor at the time. We set out to evaluate the accuracy of a creatinine clearance nomogram by Siersbaek-Nielsen (1971). Our data, almost identical to that used to create the nomogram, resulted in our formula.