15 second click test
clickspeedtest.co › 15-second-click-testWant to test your mouse click speed to see how fast you are performing when you are working on your computer, or playing computer games? Take the result of your 15 second click test and multiply it by four to determine your click rate per minute. To know your rate in clicks per second (CPS), take your click per minute rate and divide it by 60.
Click speed test - CPS Test Online
clickspeedtest.comOct 06, 2022 · CPS Test is a way to measure the number of clicks in per second. CPS is just the magnitude of clicks to a time unit; in this case, seconds. It merely means that the higher the rate of clicks per second the better the score. While the game is set to default time of 5 seconds, players can switch to other time variations from the menu on top of ...
15 Second CPS Test - Click Speed Tester
test-cps.com › 15-secondHow to pass the 15 second CPS test Begin Take a deep breath, exhale and start clicking the mouse in the special box until the time runs out. Click Click your mouse as fast as you can. Do not stop clicking the mouse until the 15 seconds of the allotted time is over. Retry If you are happy with the result, share it on social media.
15 Second Click Test - Cpstest.org
cpstest.org › 15-seconds15 Seconds Click Test It now switches from this mode of click speed testing to too hard. The hardest part is maintaining the same clicking speed until the end. If you practice carefully, however, you will achieve the cps score you desire and maintain your clicking consistency. It is 100% mobile-friendly Interestingly the game is mobile-friendly.