Partitioning Chrome's Code for Faster Launch Times on Android › 2021 › 11Nov 16, 2021 · For Android apps (including Chrome on Android), compiled Java code is stored in .dex files. The user's experience in Chrome on Android is particularly sensitive to increases in .dex size due to its multi-process architecture. On Android, Chrome will generally have 3+ processes running at all times: the browser process, the GPU process, and one ...
Smoothing out the scrolling experience in Chrome on Android › 2023 › 08Aug 8, 2023 · Okay so we already do resampling so what's the problem? A tale of woe and reimplementation. Input resampling inside of Chrome (and Android) were added back in 2019 as 90hz devices emerged and the problem above became more apparent (oscillating between 2 vs 1 input events per frame rather than consistently 2 input events per frame we usually see on 60hz devices).