Xinhua News Agency - Wikipedia News Agency , or New China News Agency, is the official state news agency of the People's Republic of China. A State Council's ministry-level institution founded in 1931, Xinhua is the largest media organ in China. Xinhua is a publisher, as well as a news agency; it publishes in multiple languages and is a channel for the distribution of information related to the Chinese government and the ruling Chinese Communist Party
Mass media in China - Wikipedia mass media in China primarily consists of television, newspapers, radio, and magazines. Since the start of the 21st century, the Internet has also emerged as an important form of mass media and is under the direct supervision and control of the Chinese government and ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Media in China is strictly controlled by the CCP, with the main agency that oversees the nation's media being the Central Propaganda Department of the CCP. …
Mass media in China - Wikipedia › wiki › Mass_media_in_ChinaThe mass media in China primarily consists of television, newspapers, radio, and magazines. Since the start of the 21st century, the Internet has also emerged as an important form of mass media and is under the direct supervision and control of the Chinese government and ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Global Times
https://www.globaltimes.cnGlobal Times, an English-language Chinese newspaper under the People's Daily. ... Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang has been invited to ...
Xinhua – China, World, Business, Sports, Photos and Video ...,,, chinaview,brings you headlines, photos, video and news stories from china, Asia and Pacific, Europe, Asia, ...