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Can you answer of course to thank you

Is it correct to answer "of course" when someone say "thank …
It sounds arrogant to me. "Of course I am welcome, I am more than deserving of your thanks". You should try to make the person feel that you are glad …
Is it correct to answer "of course" when someone say "thank ... › questions › 2618420
May 4, 2017 · Is it correct to answer "of course" when someone say "thank you"? Is there other ways to answer instead of "you're welcome"? See a translation GabreilWebb37 4 May 2017 Featured answer English (US) Here are a few I use: Of course. Don't mention it. No problem Sure thing. You're very welcome. It's my pleasure See a translation NorskByre 4 May 2017
8 Responses to “Thank You” That Mean (Even) More Than …
8 Responses to “Thank You” That Mean (Even) More Than “You’re Welcome” With these thoughtful phrases, acknowledging gratitude feels less reflexive …
17 Interesting Ways to Respond to “Thank you”! › ...
Probably the most common response to 'Thanks' is 'You're Welcome'. And this is how most people reply most of the time.
What do you stay when someone says "thank you" › Home › English
Thank you is like an appreciation,you can respond by saying; You are welcome, My pleasure, Anytime, Don't mention. Hope this answer's your ...
3 Ways to Respond to "Thank You" - wikiHow"Than…
Method 1 At Work 1 Offer sincere replies in a business setting. In business meetings and relationships, you should avoid …
When someone says “thank you”, can you say “of ……
VerkkoWhen someone says “thank you”, can you say “of course”? - Quora. Something went wrong.
The meaning of "of course," "sure" when you thank someone › questions › 226030
Sep 27, 2019 · Whether or not you thanked them with that question in mind, that's the question that's being answered. With this knowledge you can understand the meaning of the response as something like one of the following. Yes, sure, it was worth it to me just to help you. Of course I was happy to do it, or otherwise I wouldn't have.
When someone says “thank you”, can you say “of course”? - Quora › When-someone-says-thank-you-can
When someone says “thank you”, can you say “of course”? - Quora. Something went wrong.
How to Respond to Thank You (In Any Situation) - EFL Academy › how-to-respon...
A list of responses to thank you, and examples of how to use them in formal and informal situations. Plus the all-time best reply to thank you!
Is it correct to answer "of course" when someone say "thank ... › I › Is › Is
It sounds arrogant to me. "Of course I am welcome, I am more than deserving of your thanks". You should try to make the person feel that you ...
is it rude to say “of course” after someone says “thank you”? › comments
In response to thank you, I say: you're welcome, you're very welcome, of course, no problem, and no worries. Just depends on the customer. Older ...
37 Memorable Ways to Graciously Respond to a "Thank ……
My pleasure, anytime, or of course are other warm and expected responses to a thank you. Learn what to say and how to respond to “thank you” in any situation. How to Respond to a …
politeness - Is it OK to respond to "thanks" with "sure ... › questions › 258601
Aug 29, 2020 · I say of course when someone says Thank you, and I see that as a normal response also. The same with no problem, you're welcome, yes, etc. I see it is as a much better response than receiving no response at all.
25 Better Ways to Respond to Any Kinds of “Thank You” …
Here are 15 ideas for how to respond to ‘thank you,’ verbally: 01 “Anytime” This is a good response for someone with whom you are close, or have helped out in the past. It demonstrates that …
When someone says “thank you”, can you say “of course”? › When-someone-says-thank-yo...
Yes, although “You're welcome” is the standard reply, “Any time,” while a little more casual, is equally responsive, though I would suggest that it would be ...
r/socialskills on Reddit: is it rude to say “of course” after ...…
Verkkoexecutivemonkey • 1 yr. ago. It's one of the traditional responses to "thank you," but it isn't often used, so some people might not be familiar with it. Your manager probably …
Is 'of course' an appropriate response to 'thank you'? - Reddit › r › TooAfraidToAsk
Is 'of course' an appropriate response to 'thank you'? I've recently been told that my habit of saying 'of course' when someone says 'thank you' comes off weird/rude? Apparently the appropriate responses are no problem, no worries, you're welcome etc. 299 124 124 comments Add a Comment JoniVanZandt • 2 hr. ago It's a perfectly cromulent response.
is it rude to say “of course” after someone says “thank you”? › r › socialskills
She then explained to me that it comes off as “rude” and “inappropriate” to customers and that I should try responding in a different way. I left the conversation very confused because I’ve never had anyone tell me that “of course” is not the right way to respond to “thank you”.
Please DON'T Say “You're Welcome”! – Better responses ... › youre-w...
Of course. 'Of course' by itself means obvious, expected. So when someone says 'of course' instead of 'you're welcome', the feeling ...
The meaning of "of course," "sure" when you thank …
With this knowledge you can understand the meaning of the response as something like one of the following. Yes, sure, it was worth it to me just to help you. …
The meaning of "of course," "sure" when you thank someone › the-...
They are just what people automatically say to respond to being thanked when they don't want to say, "You're welcome", because it's too formal.
How to Respond to Thank You - Rachel's English
VerkkoToday we’re going to learn 16 different responses to ‘thank you’. Hey Siri, how often do I have to water my tomato plant? Here’s what I found. …