Byzantine coinage - Wikipedia › wiki › Byzantine_coinageByzantine currency, money used in the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the West, consisted of mainly two types of coins: the gold solidus and a variety of clearly valued bronze coins. By the end of the empire the currency was issued only in silver stavrata and minor copper coins with no gold issue. [1]
Online Catalogue of Byzantine Coins — Dumbarton Oaks › resources › coinsOnline Catalogue of Byzantine Coins. The collection of over 12,000 Byzantine coins at Dumbarton Oaks is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. The majority of these specimens were catalogued in six print volumes: Catalogue of Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, edited by Alfred ...
Byzantine Coinage - World History Encyclopedia › Byzantine_CoinageNov 23, 2017 · Every Byzantine emperor minted their own coins, from either Constantinople, the capital, or in mints in major provinces such as Italy (Ravenna), Sicily , Anatolia , and North Africa (Carthage and Alexandria). As in the ancient world, the value of coins in Byzantium depended on their weight and the purity of the metal used to produce them.